Yep have not had one of these "Menu" post in a while.... but seriously this one wins........
I had 번데기 bondahgi OH MY GROSS I think I have literally been okay with everything I have eaten, but this one...... nope I can't I am sorry Korea... I am so sorry.... I really tried! Anyway, for those of you who do know what that is. It is a silk worm cocoon.... They cook it of course. which I honestly didn't think sounded that bad... however, it literally smells like horse manure... and after you bite down its guts squirt everywhere and it is not jamba juice(쥬씨)... but it was on my bucket list.....Done did that.

ate that..
I am especially gratefully for this Easter season. As I have been singing in the Easter music night choir I have had a lot of time to sit and think about life/death/the life to come and the reason we can do any of it. Particularly because we had a close family friend lose her life in the terrorist attack in Brussels. My heart is aching for her family that still remain in the hospital. The only solace being that I know I and they will see her again, and that she will be reunited with her family in the next life.
I pray that we all take the time to do the things we keep putting off. Sending a text, saying I love you, calling up an old friend, visiting your grandparents, doing your best with everything you do. May we not take the opportunities that God has given us for granted. May we remember it is because of Christ we can have peace in this life no matter what we are asked to bear, He will walk with us and even carry us when we need Him.
Sister Shaver
Sweet trainee in my zone! Can't wait for exchange opportunity with her!
MY MTC comp
My District
Lovely Sister from Choir